deTour 2023 Printmake Workshop
The Playful Ways of Printmaking
2 – 3 December 2023
The workshop uses screen printing to create playful images in printmaking. Monoprint is chosen as a means to alter the public perception that printmaking is only about mass production — actually, it has enabled art to become more affordable and accessible.
The participants can use a medium screen to paint and print their monoprint, exploring the concept of “self-portrait”. What is our inner identity and impression we want to present to society? What makes us unique?
Before the lesson, each participant needs to prepare three keywords for themselves. By teaching them the basics of monoprint, attendees can play with free-flowing brushstrokes, colours, and composition combined with their creativity to enjoy the monoprint process. After printing with the squeegee on their chosen paper, they can bring home a 20 × 23 cm artwork that records their inner thoughts manifested through art.
Everyone should enjoy the playfulness of art printmaking!
參加者在工作坊前預先準備3個有關於自己的關鍵字,於工作坊當天,他們會根據關鍵字去繪畫自畫像的版畫。教導獨幅絲網印刷基本技巧後,他們可在筆觸、顏色、畫面、構圖中自由發揮。最後印製成品後,會獲得一幅20 × 23厘米,關於「自己」的獨幅絲網版畫。
(For more details: